
Compiled by
Professor Daniel J. Solove

Literature About Law

A List of Literary Works About Law

This webpage contains a list of works of literature with legal themes.

Bibliography of Law & Literature Scholarship 

Chronological (early 1980s — present)

This bibliography consists of of a chronological listing of law and literature scholarship from the early 1980s to the present.

About Particular Writers

This bibliography consists of law and literature scholarship about particular writers and their literary works.

Website and Online Materials


Law in Popular Culture Collection

The Tarlton Library at Texas Law School contains a terrific set of resources about law, literature, and popular culture.

It also contains an extensive collection of free online articles about law and literature.

Billy Budd Interactive

This website contains an annotated text of Billy Budd with hyperlinks to explanations of key terms.  It also contains useful background information, such as a guide to allusions in the text, nautical terms, British warships, and more.  It has some good pictures of the warships of the period.

Google Shakespeare

Google has a searchable online collection of all of Shakespeare’s works.

Law and Humanities Homepage

Professor Christine Corcos of LSU Law School has a great collection of law and literature resources, including bibliographies, links to resources on specific authors, and more.

Film and Television

Lawyers and the Legal Process in Movies

Contains a list of movies with legal themes along with brief summaries and useful links.

Picturing Justice

Contains brief articles about law and popular culture by Michael Asimow, Christine Corcos, John Denvir, Shuba Ghosh, and David Papke.

Law in Popular Culture Collection

The Tarlton Library at Texas Law School contains a terrific set of resources about law, literature, and popular culture.

It contains a bibliography (with several texts available for free online) of scholarly works about law and popular culture, primarily about televison and film.

Law in Film Collection

The Southwestern University Law Library has an extensive list of films with legal themes.

An Annotated List of Law & Film

Professor Christine Corocos ( LSU Law School) has an annotated list of films about the law.

Humanities and Culture

Arts & Letters Daily

The Chronicle of Higher Education maintains a website with daily links about literary books and scholarship.

Political Theory Daily Review

This blog Alfredo Perez has a daily dose of dozens of links to articles about a wide range of political and humanities topics.


Famous Trials

Professor Douglas Linder of UMKC School of Law has fascinating detailed descriptions of famous trials, with pictures, bibliographies, and useful links.  Some of the trials include: Socrates, Thomas More, John Peter Zenger, Lizzie Borden, Oscar Wilde, Leopold and Loeb, Nuremberg, Scottsboro, O.J. Simpson, and more.





Law & Humanities Course Syllabi

Law School Courses

E. Perry Hodges
Indiana Law School
Law & Literature
Spring 2006

Daniel J. Solove
GW Law School
Law & Literature
Spring 2006

James Boyle
Duke Law School
Law & Literature
Spring 2005

Dean Catharine Stimpson & Stephen Gillers
NYU Law School
Law & Literature
Fall 2004

Patricia Anne Wise
U. Toledo Law School
Law & Literature
Spring 2006

Mary Ann McGrail
George Mason Law School
Law & Literature
Fall 2005

Norman Stein
University of Alabama Law School
Law & Literature
Fall 2003

James Elkins
West Virginia University College of Law
Lawyers & Film
Fall 2005

James Elkins
West Virginia University College of Law
Lawyers & Literature
Spring 2006

Undergraduate Courses

David Thomas
Michigan University
Law & Literature: The Victorians
Fall 2003

Greg Clingham
Bucknell University
Law and Literature, 1689-1832
Spring 2003

Julie Van Camp
California State University, Long Beach
Law, Philosophy, and the Humanities
Fall 2005

Chris Suggs
John Jay College/CUNY
African American Literature and American Law